My work:

Analysis of front:

Visual codes:
I did not want to give away too much information about my film, but enough to engage my audience. The use of monochrome offers an unnerving feeling to the poster along with adding enigma. Here you can see our protagonist shining a flashlight at the camera, with a look of fear spread across his face. In order to keep to our genre, I edited elements a blood red colour.

The tagline i used "Do as you would be done by, or pay the price" has been made big and bold to grab the readers attention. It reflects the social issues raised in our short about homelessness and arrogance.

In order to portray themes of horror, one editing technique I used was erroding the letters of my title/tagline. This reflects the experience Joe has in our short: the things he values most deteriorating. We chose to contrast the hard white title against the white background to ehance the impact.

Other elements:
When looking to make my postcard look professional I included reviews, ratings and a release date, these are key conventions of film postcards. I claimed that we had won the BFI Future Filim award and we recieved a 4 and 5 star review. Many real productions do this as it entices audiences to come and watch due to expert opinions are positive. Social media pages were linked to increase branding.

Analysis of back:

Visual codes:
On the back of my postcard I decided to change the primary colour to red. Contrasting to the front, the change in colour engages the audience through catching their eye.

Positioned across the top half, I included images from my film. This builds the character-audience relationship through offering them hints of what is going to happen. Further the stunning imagery attracts audiences as they get an insight into some of the scenes.

In order for this postcard to be worthwhile, audiences need to want to watch the film after reading. Therefore, to really interest audiences it is common for producers to use a blurb as it is a quick and easy way to offer an overview of the film. We left our blurb on a cliff hanger to try and really grab the audiences attention.

Other elements:
Similarly to the front, it was important to include information like the release date and social media links. More importantly, I included a made up quote endorsing our short making more customers to want to watch our film. This gives off the same effect as awards. Following our genre, I used the same text as the title here.

Analysis of others work:


nights of cabiria by Nathan

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. A striking film postcard design with a haunting cover picture, well framed and appropriate for the genre. Comprehensive evidence of detailed genre research that informs the postcard design. Clear understanding and knowledge.
