Monday, February 10, 2020


We researched how film is regulated in the UK, in order to decide the correct rating for our film, by studying the BBFC website
All UK films are given an age rating by the BBFC.
The BBFC's focus is on helping children and families choose well by providing them with the guidance they need to help them choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not.
The BBFC’s classification standards reflect people’s current views and expectations and their decisions give due weight to what people find acceptable for each age rating.

When these consultations find significant changes in people’s expectations, they adjust their standards and criteria accordingly.
Their standards are published in the BBFC’s Classification Guidelines.These give details of what’s acceptable in each age category from U to R18, and explain the laws and principles that govern our work.
The BBC has two over-riding principles, which are as follows:

  • To protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise unsuitable content
  • To help children and families choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not

We used a template and edited it to reflect our film, DOWN AND OUT.

In order to create this image, I downloaded a template BBFC certificate screen and used Photoshop to change the title of the film, president, director and the reason for why it is a 15 rated film ("infrequent strong violence, strong language").